Ways to Give
CCE relies on the generosity of many individual and institutional supporters. There are several ways to make a tax-deductible gift to the Council for Court Excellence.
Give Online
Make a one-time or monthly tax-deductible gift to the Council for Court Excellence. We partner with Bloomerang to process online payments securely and efficiently.
Donor-Advised Funds, EFT & Stock Gifts
If you are making a gift through a donor-advised fund, our EIN is 52-1241825, and our official name is Council for Court Excellence. Contact your bank to initiate your gift. To make a gift by wire/ACH, or to send a gift of stock, please email development@courtexcellence.org for instructions.
Planned Gifts
Making a gift to Council for Court Excellence through your will, retirement plan, or life insurance is a meaningful way to build better justice in the District and ensure that CCE will have the resources we need to fight for equitable justice for all in the future, as we have for more than 40 years. To learn more about planned giving opportunities, visit this page, and reach out to development@courtexcellence.org to have a conversation about how to leave a legacy through your planned gift.
Employer Matching Gifts
You may be able to double – or even triple – your gift’s impact by having it matched by your employer. Many employers have matching gift programs – reach out to your human resources department or your supervisor to find out if your employer offers this.
More Ways to Give
Mail Your Gift
If you prefer to donate by check or money order, you can mail your gift to:
Council for Court Excellence
1111 14th Street NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005-5628
Pay Board of Directors Dues
Follow these links to Pay Firm or Business Board of Director Dues or Pay Civic Board of Director Dues.
Donate stock or other securities
Please contact CCE's development staff by email or phone at 202.785.5917 to donate securities or other appreciated assets.
Establish a legacy
You can help CCE enhance the DC justice system now and in the future by including CCE in your estate plans. Planned gifts, whether during lifetime or at death, may be an attractive way to support CCE while creating benefits for the donor. Planned gifts take many forms, including:
- Bequest to CCE
- Designating CCE as a beneficiary of life insurance or retirement plan
- Life income gifts, such as a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust
If you don't have a will or estate plan, check out our free publication, When Someone Dies: A Non-Lawyer's Guide to Probate in Washington, DC, for important information. Then talk with your financial planner or estate attorney about including CCE in your estate plans. And be sure to record this information in your Personal Affairs Records Book!
To discuss making a planned gift, please contact CCE's development staff by email or phone at 202.785.5917.
In-kind goods or services
Please contact CCE's development staff by email or phone at 202.785.5917 to arrange to make an in-kind donation.