Our Rich History

Learn about CCE’s founding and some of our key milestones since 1982.

The Council for Court Excellence (CCE) was founded in 1982 by leaders in the District’s civic, legal, government, and business sectors in the wake of a comprehensive report by the D.C. Bar's Court System Study Committee, chaired by lawyer Charles A. Horsky and led by Staff Director Samuel F. Harahan. To ensure that the “Horsky Report” and its recommendations were not condemned to collect dust on a shelf, Mr. Horsky, Mr. Harahan, and other founding partners mobilized to create a new organization that would lead the charge in making the District’s local and federal courts effective, efficient, and fair for everyone. Over time, CCE’s mission and scope evolved and expanded, but has remained true to our founding goals and interdisciplinary model.


CCE is formed and begins advocacy for one day/one trial jury system


Begins our longstanding work on probate, publishing first edition of When Someone Dies probate guide


Publishes first Victim’s Guide to the Criminal Justice System and begins advocacy for a comprehensive Victim’s Bill of Rights


Publishes first edition of the Practice Manual for Child Abuse & Neglect Cases in D.C.


Organizes first jury appreciation program with local and federal courts


Starts School Jury Education Program with creation of educational video Guilty or Not Guilty: You Decide for use in schools


Launches first D.C. Jury Project to modernize local and federal jury systems


Hosts first Justice Potter Stewart Awards Dinner


Publishes study recommending creation of a centralized administrative hearing agency in D.C., which became the Office of Administrative Hearings


Begins longstanding work on reentry with advocacy on criminal record sealing reform


Sponsors the first organized Court Observation project in a federal courthouse


Publishes the first edition of the Guide to the DC Juvenile Justice System


Launched Bench Bar Media, a series of panel discussions bringing together members of the media, law, and courts


Established the District Task Force on Jails and Justice


Creation of the Second Chance Hiring Alliance

More of CCE’s Story

Following our founding in 1982, CCE quickly built a record of success with a variety of justice system reform initiatives. For example, within the decade of our founding, CCE was the moving force behind the adoption of the one day/one trial jury system in Superior Court, modernization of trial and grand jury systems, reform of probate laws and procedures, reform of the D.C. administrative law system, improvement in child neglect and abuse case processes, expansion of crime victim rights, and supporting speedy resolutions of criminal and civil cases. 

Over the next few decades, the need for an independent voice on D.C.’s criminal, youth, and civil justice systems – beyond just the courts – became clear. CCE has stepped in to fill that gap, keeping our model of interdisciplinary alliance but expanding our mission to include all aspects of our legal system. In addition to research and advocacy, CCE has published and distributed more than 450,000 copies of free, plain-language booklets and materials explaining a wide variety of court and legal issues in order to improve the public's access to justice and increase understanding of D.C. legal systems.

Our Logos Through The Years

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