January 17, 2024
September 23, 2024

CCE Issues Progress Report on Strategic Plan, Including Board and Staff Diversity

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January 17, 2023 - The Council for Court Excellence (CCE) is currently implementing our 2022 – 2024 Strategic Plan, which was adopted by our Board of Directors in December 2021. The plan called for CCE to publish certain race equity metrics and set up a transparent progress to share progress annually to advance public accountability around our race equity goals. This report presents updates on the progress made on key goals in 2023 (and does not reflect activities completed in 2022); identifies some important items that have been delayed in implementation because of staffing, capacity, or other challenges; and shares demographic metrics we are tracking toward our overall diversity Board and staff goals.

We are pleased to report that we made meaningful progress on goals under each of our six Pillars.  We saw improved diversity on our Board of Directors, particularly in terms of increasing the participation of women in our leadership, as well as increases in Asian American and Hispanic/Latino participation, identification as a person with a disability, and increase in residents of DC Wards 5, 7, and 8. We saw signifiant increases in diversity on our Board's Executive Committee, with increases in the number of Black, Hispanic/Latinex, and Asian members, as well as women representing the majority of the Executive Committee for the first time in history. Our Executive Committee also saw an increase in its LGBTQ membership and the proportion of members who live in Wards 5, 7, or 8.  Finally, our staff has grown in size and diversity. As of fall 2023 we had 4 white staff members and 5 BIPOC staff members, and have increased the tenure of Black staff. 

Click here to read the full 2023 progress report. 

We are excited to share these updates with the D.C. community and welcome any questions community members may have.

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