October 30, 2019
August 15, 2024

Join CCE at our Fall 2019 Bench-Bar-Media Dialogue Program!

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Journalism Isn’t Justice – Examining Both Roles in the Era of #MeToo

Sometimes an accused sue their accuser for libel for suggesting they have engaged in misconduct. Accusers may countersue for libel for suggesting they are liars.  And everyone scrutinizes press accounts as if the press is able to deliver the final word on what actually happened. But, as has been well recognized, what journalism does is different from what the justice system is designed to do. They are both necessary systems, but important for different reasons. Join us on November 19, 2019 for a dynamic discussion of what the justice system can and cannot realistically achieve, the role of the press, and the validity and effectiveness of libel claims in the #MeToo era.

Our distinguished panelists include:

  • Tom Clare, Partner, Clare Locke LLP
  • Kalea Clark, Deputy General Counsel, The Washington Post
  • Hon. Royce Lamberth, Senior Judge, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
  • Dahlia Lithwick, Senior Editor and Columnist, Slate
  • Jane Mayer, Chief Washington Correspondent, The New Yorker
  • Emily Martin, Chief Vice President for Education & Workplace Justice, National Women's Law Center

Thank you to our sponsors!







Here are some highlights from Journalism Isn't Justice – Examining Both Roles in the Era of #MeToo:



About the Bench-Bar-Media Dialogue Series: Since 2010, CCE has presented this dynamic event series that brings together judges, lawyers, and members of the press to discuss timely and engaging First Amendment and justice-related topics. Past Bench-Bar-Media topics include Justice on the Big Screen, Leaks and the Law, Juvenile Confidentiality, Cameras in the Courtroom, The Libby Trial, among others.

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