Join Us for a Panel Discussion as Experts Discuss the Public's rRght to Evidence in the Digital Age
Video footage widely released on the Internet can call into question both private sanctions and court decisions, and can lead to broad public discussion of social issues. While judges are required to allow the media access to information entered as evidence - which could include graphic 911 calls, body cam footage, or surveillance video - what can or should the media do with such evidence?
The persistence of information on the Internet and the inability to control what happens to that information once it's released raises many questions. Join us as we explore a hypothetical case with a panel of the very people facing these issues today and in the future.
The Panel Includes:
- Washington Post crime reporter Peter Hermann
- DC Superior Court Judge Herbert Dixon
- Channel 9 News Director Bill Lord
- Deputy General Counsel for The Washington Post Jim McLaughlin
- Principal Asst. US Attorney for DC Vincent Cohen, Jr.
- Criminal Defense Attorney Reid Weingarten
- US District Court for DC Magistrate Judge John Facciola (Ret.)
- Huffington Post Senior Political Editor Sam Stein
Where & When
National Public Radio
1111 N. Capitol St. NE
Washington, DC 20002
Thursday, January 29, 2015
6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Reception with light refreshments begins at 6 p.m.
Panel to start approximately 6:45 p.m.
The event is free, but please RSVP as space is limited.
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