Discover how we're building better justice for D.C.
For over 40 years, CCE has led a variety of projects to improve the D.C. courts, as well as our civil, criminal, and youth justice systems. Learn more about how we do our work.

Our Strategies
The Need
In D.C., 1 in 7adults have a criminal record, and 1 in 22 people are under some form of correctional supervision on any given day.
While Black people make up 47% of D.C.’s population, they are 86% of the people arrested, 90% of those jailed, and 95% of those in prison.
Students of color in D.C. Public Schools are nearly 15 times more likely to be disciplined than white students.
In 2017, 97% of litigants in small estates matters lacked counsel and the majority of those were people of color.
Our Tactics
Creating and distributing educational guides on justice issues
Bringing together expert committees and working groups
Collecting and analyzing data on justice issues
Publishing reports, research, white papers on issues
Testifying before lawmakers about needed reforms and oversight
Hosting in-person and virtual events
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