August 8, 2019
August 5, 2024

Community Town Hall on Jails & Justice in DC

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Please join us for a Town Hall on Jails & Justice!


When: Weds., Aug. 21, Session A: 3:00-5:00 PM, Session B: 5:30-7:30 PM


Where: DC Bar, 901 4th St NW (Use Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro)


We know that the DC Jail and District policy, as they stand, cannot do enough to keep our communities safe and healthy or to stop cycles of crime and incarceration. The District needs your help to decide what to do next.  The District Task Force on Jails & Justice is an independent advisory group that will publish its initial report and recommendations in October 2019. Task Force members are community leaders who are directly impacted by jails, organizations that work to serve currently or formerly incarcerated people, government leaders, judges, research and policy experts, and other civic leaders.


How You Can Help:

Testify at the Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, August 21 at 901 4th St NW! Tell us what you think about building a new jail, funding services to meet community needs, and making our neighborhoods safer.

How the Town Hall Works:

The Town Hall will take place over two 2-hour blocks of time, Session A: 3:00-5:00 PM and Session B: 5:30-7:30 PM. Members of the Task Force will listen to your statement and ask questions. Each person has 3 minutes to speak.


If you can’t make it, you can also send the Task Force a written statement to consider.

Sign Up for the Town Hall:

1. Email by 5 pm Friday, August 16. Send your name, plus your organization, and title (if applicable). Pick a Town Hall session: either Session A: 3:00-5:00 PM or Session B: 5:30-7:30 PM.


2. Upload your written testimony to   We will contact you to confirm your participation.



For more info on the Task Force:

Follow the Task Force on Twitter: @DCjails_justice


Special thanks to the DC Bar for hosting this important community event! 

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