September 10, 2013
August 5, 2024

CCE Convenes Inaugural Meeting of Regional Unauthorized Practice of Law Leaders

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CCE convened, for the first time, a meeting on August 29th for leaders in DC, Maryland and Virginia who oversee unauthorized practice of law (UPL) matters in their respective jurisdictions.  This meeting was held at the law firm of K&L Gates in Washington, DC. Leaders included Cynthia Wright, chair of the Committee on UPL for the DC Court of Appeals; Christopher Dix, deputy director of the Committee on UPL for the DC Court of Appeals; Lisa Mezrich with the Office of Bar Counsel who oversees UPL matters brought before the Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission; Christine Poarch, chair of the Standing Committee on UPL for the Virginia State Bar; and Jim McCauley and Barbara Saunders who also staff UPL matters for the Virginia State Bar.  June Kress and Hillary Evans from CCE staff were also in attendance. 

CCE wanted to bring together representatives who oversee UPL matters regionally to allow these leaders to connect and learn from each other about their respective UPL systems and determine opportunities for collaboration and coordination. Members from each jurisdiction explained their UPL system’s structure, their complaint referral and investigation process, and enforcement activity.  The group also discussed related issues to UPL such as enforcement against notario fraud and gauged interest in nonlawyer or limited-license practicing programs.  This convening occurred on the heels of the American Bar Association’s first UPL School held August 16-17 in Denver, CO bringing together volunteer members of state and local bar UPL committees and commissions and individuals charged with the prevention and prosecution of UPL violations and to discuss current UPL challenges. 

This group of regional UPL leaders expressed interest in having quarterly meetings which CCE plans to convene in the future.  We wish to thank the generosity of K&L Gates, LLP, and Board Director Carol Elder Bruce, for hosting this inaugural meeting.


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