May 9, 2024
August 27, 2024

CCE Hosting 2024 "Meet the Next Chief Judge" Candidate Forum

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The Council for Court Excellence invites you to join us and ourdistinguished co-sponsors for "Meet the Next Chief Judge"! At thiscandidate forum, interested members of the public will hear from the judges whohave applied to succeed the Hon. Anita Josey-Herring as the Chief Judge of theSuperior Court of the District of Columbia.

WHEN: June 13, 2024

5:15-6:00 pm - Welcome Reception

6:00-7:30 pm - Candidate Forum


WHERE: University of the District of Columbia

Student Center Ballroom

4200 Connecticut Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20008




This will be an invaluable opportunity for members of the bar and community at large to learnabout the priorities and approaches of the Chief Judge applicants prior to the June 20 deadline for submittingpublic comments to the D.C. Judicial Nomination Commission. Arecording of the forum will be posted on CCE'sYouTube channel in the days following the forum.  


Thank you to our Co-Sponsors!


Note: The Councilfor Court Excellence does not make candidate endorsements. All of the forum’sco-sponsors have agreed not to make endorsements until after the forum orlikewise do not make official endorsements. Neither the D.C. JudicialNomination Commission nor the D.C. Courts are involved in organizing the forum.

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