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President Obama's Speech and CCE's Work
President Obama's recent speech commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington touched on two important issues that CCE is working on - School Discipline and Reentry.
CCE Convenes Inaugural Meeting of Regional Unauthorized Practice of Law Leaders
CCE convened, for the first time, a meeting on August 29th for leaders in DC, Maryland and Virginia who oversee unauthorized practice of law (UPL) matters in their respective jurisdictions.
Save the Date: Oct 14 CCE Golf Outing
Join CCE Directors and friends on October 14 for a morning of golf at Four Streams Golf Club.
CCE Attends Conference on Immigrant Consumer Protection
More than 50 regional government, community and other stakeholders gathered last month for a half-day conference on Immigrant Consumer Protection Issues in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia. The event featured panels on notario fraud and immigration services scams and other consumer related scams targeting immigrants, such as unscrupulous debt collector practices.
New CCE Initiative: Access to Justice for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
CCE's new initiative plans to assess this population's access to the courts and consider ways to involve the private bar around communication access needs.
CCE Profiles: Marc Sherman
The first in a new, periodic series of profiles of the CCE "family:" the group of people who make up CCE and the ways they contribute to improving the administration of justice in DC. For this profile, new CCE Treasurer Doug Spaulding (at far left in picture) interviews outgoing Treasurer Marc Sherman (at right) about his life, career, and over 20-year experience serving on CCE's Board of Directors.
Update on DC Attorney General Election
This fall, the DC Council will decide whether voters will, for the first time, be choosing DC's next Attorney General. This role, like other cabinet-level posts, has historically been filled by the Mayor, with the nominee being confirmed by the DC Council.
Thank You to Our Mid-Year Donors!
Donors are supporting CCE's collaborative efforts to improve DC's justice system on diverse projects such as improving DC's post-arrest processes, addressing notario and legal service fraud, undertaking a major jury reform effort, and much more!
Post-Arrest Legislation Introducted
On June 4, the DC Council introduced the "Post-Arrest Process Clarification Amendment Act of 2013" to improve DC's post-arrest process.
CCE Jury Panel: Changing Perceptions About Jury Service
CCE recently hosted a lively, thought-provoking panel discussion entitled "Changing Perceptions of Jury Service," moderated by CCE Director Jay Hulme of Arent Fox and featuring CCE Director Paulette Chapman of Koonz, McKenney; Chief Judge Royce Lamberth of the US District Court for DC; and Professor Andrew Ferguson of the David A. Clarke School of Law at UDC.
So You Want to Be DC's Attorney General?
The Council for Court Excellence has joined with six other organizations to sponsor a forum to publicize the upcoming election of DC’s Attorney General. The forum will be held on Tuesday, June 25, 6:00 to 7:30 pm in the Moot Court Room (Building 52, Room 518) at UDC’s David A. Clarke School of Law, 4340 Connecticut Avenue, NW (near Yuma).
CCE Jury Education Program Wraps Up for the School Year
CCE's School Jury Education program had another successful run for the 2012-2013 school year. The program visited sixteen DC public and charter schools throughout the city reaching schools in all eight wards.
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