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Public Forum on DC Court of Appeals Chief Judge
The District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission is pleased to announce a public forum to meet and hear from Chief Judge Eric T. Washington, the sole candidate for redesignation as Chief Judge of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.
CCE on the Radio
Earlier this month, following CCE News coverage of the Justice Potter Stewart Dinner, CCE was interviewed by Gloria Minott of WPFW on her daily radio show, Community Watch & Comment.
Stewart Dinner Celebrates Jim Sandman, Jess Rosenbaum, and Bill Garber
What a night! Thank you to all our guests who joined us for the 17th Annual Justice Potter Stewart Awards Dinner on Thursday, May 9.
CCE Releases Post-Arrest Report
CCE's Post-Arrest Report describes, for the first time, DC's unique post-arrest process and makes recommendations for its improvement.
Remembering Gordon Forester
Gordon Forester, an active CCE Board Director for over 20 years, passed away on March 23, 2013 after a long illness. The following reflection was written by Sam Harahan, Founding Executive Director (1982-2002), and Jim Mercurio, former CCE Vice President.
D.C. Bar Nominations Committee Announces Elections
The D.C. Bar Nominations Committee recently announced the selection of candidates for the president-elect for the 2013-2014 term as well as other bar positions.
CCE mourns the death of Mrs. Andy Stewart
CCE mourns the passing of CCE Board Director Andy Stewart, Justice Potter Stewart's widow. Mrs. Stewart stands between former CCE President Ken Starr and former US Attorney General Janet Reno.
CCE testifies before DC Council and the Task Force on Restoration of Rights
On February 14, CCE testified before DC Council performance hearings regarding the Office of Administrative Hearings and also the Office on Returning Citizen Affairs. On February 20, we testified before the Task Force on Restoration of Rights and Status After Conviction.
CCE convenes community stakeholders to combat notario fraud
This group, chaired by David Zetoony of Bryan Cave LLP, meets monthly to share information about fraudulent legal advisers, or "notarios," operating in the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia and to discuss strategies to governmental and private enforcement actions to stop their activities.
Presenting our 2012 Annual Report
In this Report, we cover high-impact projects such as:
CCE's popular report on Pedetrian Safety in the District; our new initiative convening a working group to combat Notario Fraud; four great presentations from our Bench-Bar-Media Dialogue series; the 2012 Stewart Dinner honoring Jack Keeney, Jr. and Jim Lyons; and more!
2013 Stewart Award Honorees are Sandman, Rosenbaum, Garber
On May 9, 2013, CCE will honor James Sandman, Jessica Rosenbaum, and William Garber with the 17th Annual Justice Potter Stewart Awards.
CCE attends national conferences with relevance to on-going school discipline project
CCE’s School Discipline Project is analyzing both the content and the operation of DC’s public and charter school discipline codes. Our research and network-building around this issue were bolstered by attendance at a UCLA conference on Closing the School Discipline Gap, and a Georgetown conference on Positive Outcomes for At-Risk Children and Youth.
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