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CCE's June Board Meeting
CCE's Board and guests gathered on Thursday June 4 for our semi-annual meeting at Venable LLC, hosted by Board Directors Gregg Braker and Brian Schwalb. It was a particularly fitting venue given our keynote speaker, newly-elected Attorney General Karl Racine, served for many years as Venable's Managing Partner.
2015 Horsky Awards Presented to Earl J. Silbert & Jay A. Brozost
CCE is proud to announce that Earl J. Silbert and Jay A. Brozost received the 2015 Horsky Awards at our semi-annual board meeting. Earl and Jay will be stepping down as Board President and Chair, respectively.
CCE Hosts Rollout of Equity in School Discipline Report; Key Stakeholders Discuss Improvments in School Discipline
On March 23rd, the Council for Court Excellence released its Equity in School Discipline Report at the historic Charles Sumner School Museum and Archives. More than sixty participants gathered for the formal rollout event, representing local and national advocacy organizations, local government, foundations, private bar, local law schools and other community members.
CCE Releases Equity in School Discipline Report
Equity in School Discipline: An Examination of School Disciplinary Policies and Practices in the District of Columbia Public Education System and Recommendations for Reform is a first-of-its-kind, comprehensive description and assessment of the disciplinary systems and policies in the District's public education system. The report contains recommendations that policy makers, education stakeholders, advocates and the community may consider for providing a fair school discipline process for all District youth.
Announcing the 2015 Justice Potter Stewart Award Honorees
CCE is pleased to announce Roger M. Adelman and the Free Minds Book Club & Writing Workshop as the 2015 Justice Potter Stewart Award Honorees.
CCE Testifies at DC Council Judiciary and Education Committees
The DC Council Judiciary Committee held its oversight committee hearing on correctional issues on February 19th. CCE provided testimony before the committee that drew from information gathered in the process of developing recommendations for the Mayor's transition team.
Scholars and Scoundrels Event A Success
Over 120 people attended last week's panel presentation: "Scholars and Scoundrels: Media Access to Evidence in the Digital Age." Using a hypothetical case - a metro shooting following the Washington football team's NFC championship game - a panel comprised of members of the bench, bar and media explored what could or should happen with videos of the incident from cell phones, police cameras, and social media.
Save the Date: Justice Potter Stewart Award Dinner
The 2015 Justice Potter Stewart Award Dinner will be on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at The Organization of American States. Join us as we honor this year's champions of justice.
There's still time to nominate your hero. Submit your nominations by 12 noon on February 11, 2015.
CCE's School Jury Education Program is in Full Swing
The Council for Court Excellence has been fully immersed this winter in its School Jury Education Program where judges, lawyers, and court administrators take part in educating local high school students about the importance of jury service and their role as prospective jurors.
Join Us for a Panel Discussion as Experts Discuss the Public's rRght to Evidence in the Digital Age
On Thursday January 29, 2015, the Council for Court Excellence will host a panel discussion on the public's access to evidence in the digital age at National Public Radio.
Jury Duty Policies Survey
CCE's Jury Project is surveying employers to learn more about their policies regarding employees who have been summoned for jury service. This survey is intended for human resources representatives or others who administer those policies.
A Conversation with Chief Judge Merrick B. Garland and Chief Judge Richard W. Roberts
At CCE's December Board Meeting last week, attendees were treated to a conversation with Chief Judge Merrick B. Garland of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and Chief Judge Richard W. Roberts of the US District Court for the District of Columbia, moderated by Brigida Benitez, President of the DC Bar.
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